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assalam alaikum i want to know the meaning of ANOOSH i see on a website says delighted so please let me know if its good for girls .I am thinking of ANOOSH MAH please kindly give me answer as well as how to write in urdu and this is arabic word or any other language JAZAKALLAH


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Anoosh and Mah aren't Arabic words or mentioned in the Quran. Anoosh seems to mean "sweet" in Armenian. Mah means "moon" in Farsi, literary Kurdish and literary Turkish. Thus they aren't Islamic names, but since their meaning is good you can use them.

Anoosh is also the name of one of the prophets of the Sabians, a religious group who worship Allah and whose last prophet is Prophet Yahya son of Prophet Zakariyya. The Sabians are mentioned in the Quran as true worshipers of Allah who will enter Paradise. Anoosh therefore is not an Islamic name, but Muslims can use it since it refers to a prophet.

Unfortunately I do not speak Urdu for this reason can't tell you how they would be spelled in Urdu.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 3rd of December 2015 02:29:15 PM

    Anoosh is the name present in family tree of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  2. on Thursday 18th of January 2018 02:43:30 AM

    Anoosh isnt an arabic or muslim name. Christian name.

  3. on Wednesday 31st of January 2018 12:27:10 AM

    Anoosh from Anooshirvan, origin: Persian
    Meaning: Immortal Soul

    Anoosh, also Armenian, Meaning: Sweet

    Persian/Christian name.

  4. on Friday 20th of April 2018 09:38:47 PM

    My mother was Armenian and my father English. They called each other ‘Anoosh’ as a term of endearment. It my understanding it is simply an Armenian word rather than a name, and is not specifically ‘Christian’.

  5. on Friday 20th of April 2018 09:40:34 PM

    Forgot to say in previous comment that my mother translated Anoosh as ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’.

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