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As salamu alaykum I want to know the meaning of Asfa and Afia. I want this name for my daughter and its urgent needed :( hope u will do this for me I'll be obliged if u take my question seriously And I want to add this two both names with second name as Afia Fatima and Asfa Fatima Asfa Farhin and Afia Farhin Is that good way to dot that, If you know any second name. Please help me to know that . Thanks in Advance


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Asfa is the Urdu pronunciation of the Arabic word Asifah, which means "storm". This is a direct Quranic word and you can use it as a girl name, though we've never seen it used by Arabs.

Afia is another spelling of Aafiya, for its details see: Aafiya

Fatima and Farhin/Farheen are good names and you can find out more about them by typing them in the search box.

Afia FatimaAsfa Fatima, Asfa Farhin and Afia Farhin are all good names according to Islam and you can use them. However it is best that you consult a local knowledgeable individual, such as an imam at one of the mosques in your area, or a teacher, to get his/her opinion on them, to make sure that the names are acceptable in your location and culture.

As for good second names, these are completely up to you, you can choose any name that has a good meaning.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 20th of August 2015 10:04:42 AM

    my babys date of birth is 16-08-2015 Sunday s please search an islamic name for my child today.

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
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