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Meaning of Harib. Is this an Islamic name?


This is an official answer by Staff

Harib is an Arabic word that means "war-wager", one who engages in or starts wars with others. This word is disliked by scholars to be used as a name because all names that have the H6-R-B root ("war") are considered bad names. This is due to the saying of the Prophet ﷺ, narrated by Abu Dawood and al-Baihaqi, that says the most disliked names to Allah are Harb ("war") and Murrah ("bitter"). For this reason, even though H6-R-B is a Quranic root, we do not include this name in our list and we advise that you shouldn't use it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 5th of December 2014 08:36:56 PM

    Harib means soldier. And It can also mean “High Alienated” or “Runner” Arabic: (حرب: نفور العليا . عداء.) It was also the nick name of Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him)
    Source: Local Imam

  2. on Saturday 6th of December 2014 01:24:49 AM

    @1: Both Harb and Harib are strongly disliked named due to their war-related meaning. For more information you can read Fatwa 71631 (Arabic) on the trusted IslamWeb website (which is run by the Qatari Islamic Affairs ministry), which says that Harib is strongly disliked due to the fact that it comes from the same root as Harb.

  3. on Monday 12th of September 2016 05:20:45 PM

    what is the meaning of harib baby boy name?this name is correct name or wrong?please explain it

  4. on Friday 14th of October 2016 05:03:22 AM

    what is the meaning of harib baby name ? this name is correct name or wrong? please explain it

  5. on Tuesday 13th of June 2017 04:32:11 AM

    How meaning harib and why don’t like this name by scholar

  6. on Wednesday 5th of July 2017 08:17:47 AM

    hey i cant fine any fatwa abour harib name u mentioned fatwa number 71631 where is that can u send me link plz thanks

  7. on Tuesday 19th of June 2018 05:58:02 AM

    According to the Nunerous Hadith and the Quran as well as the Torah, The name Harib is compatible with Messiah (promised king). It also has reference and urge to prophet Elijah (as) return in the end of times.

  8. on Friday 29th of June 2018 07:43:27 AM

    if this is the nick name of Hazrat Ali then why is it bad

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