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What is the meaning and root of the names izyaan, izyaana, azaania and iyaana?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 10th of May 2016 06:23:56 AM

    meanning of izyaan and izaan and the spelling in arabic

  2. on Sunday 23rd of October 2016 02:06:39 PM

    The name Izyaan is a baby boy name. The name Izyaan comes from the Arabic origin. In Arabic the meaning of the name Izyaan is: One who possesses wisdom.

  3. on Saturday 27th of January 2018 12:46:23 PM

    Izyaan meening
    kya hai//////////////////////////////////////////////////

  4. on Tuesday 8th of May 2018 09:03:13 AM

    Izyaan is a islamic boy name and meaning is intelligent

  5. on Tuesday 8th of January 2019 10:51:25 AM

    Izyaan is a Islamic name and the meaning is who posses wisdom!

  6. on Tuesday 29th of January 2019 02:59:01 PM

    Izyaan name meaning is intelligent and it’s came from an arabic orign.

  7. on Monday 11th of February 2019 10:35:09 AM

    Intelligent/one who posses wisdom
    And it came from arabic orign

  8. on Tuesday 28th of December 2021 09:26:10 AM

    Izyaan is an ARABIC name not ISLAMIC!!! Please understand the difference – not all Muslims are Arabs and not all Arabs are Muslims – I wanted to Name my son this but couldn’t

  9. on Wednesday 15th of March 2023 08:04:49 AM

    In Quraan 49;7 عِصْيَانَ means disobedient. Similar sounding word to Izyaan… Allah knows best.

  10. on Friday 24th of March 2023 03:16:58 PM

    Where in which dictionary it means intelligent?There is أزيان Azyan which is
    the plural of زين , which means highness of character and adornment decorations
    It is a name used for both male and female
    Then there is إزيان .Izyan .it is masdar of verb َأزيَن .It means good and beautiful.
    Then there is إذعان
    It means surrender submission obedience from verb ََأذعَن.I couldn’t find the meaning intelligent

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