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Salam aleikum, Can you tell me if the names Naylufar, Nuralain and Feryal are good names for girls and what do they mean. My wife likes these names but I want an arabian name with a nice meaning for my daughter.I was told that Naylufar means mountain lotus and Feryal means either beauty of light or just proper name. Can you help me out?


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Naylufar is the Arabic pronunciation of the Persian word Neelufar, which refers to the flower known as "Egyptian lotus" in English, also called "water lily". The original word is Persian. It is not an Islamic name but you can use it since it has a good meaning. You can use either Naylufar or Neelufar, whichever one you like more.

Naylufar is pronounced [(NAI)l] + [p(L)ay + s(OO)n] + [(FU)n + p(R)ay] with emphasis on the first syllable. It is written as نَيْلُوْفَر in Arabic and can also be written as Neilufar, Nayloofar, Naylofar, Neilufer in English. The original Persian word, Neelufar, is pronounced [(NEE)d] + [p(L)ay + s(OO)n] + [(FU)n + p(R)ay] with emphasis on the first syllable. It is written as نيلوفر in Persian and can also be written as Nilufar, Neelofar, Nilufer in English.

For Nuralain please see: Nuralain

Feryal is the Arabic pronunciation of the Persian word Faryal, which is formed from Far (greatness, glory) and yal (neck). The literal meaning is "one with a beautiful neck", and this is used as an idiom for "beautiful woman" and "woman with a beautiful voice". It is not an Islamic name but Muslims can use it since the meaning is good. The Arabic version, Feryal, is pronounced [(FI)lm + p(R)ay] + [(YA)rn + p(L)ay] with emphasis on the second syllable. It is written as فِرْيَال in Arabic and can also be written as Firyal, Firyaal, Feryaal in English. The Persian version, Faryal, is pronounced [(FU)n + p(R)ay] + [(YA)rn + p(L)ay] with emphasis on the second syllable. It is written as فريال in Persian and can also be written as Faryaal, Farryal, Farryaal in English.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 10th of October 2014 07:43:27 PM

    1st time in life i came to know my name is having such a beautiful meaning 🙂 Feeling proud 🙂

  2. on Sunday 17th of April 2016 09:45:29 PM

    Every where else on the internet it seems to say Faryal means an Angel..? Am I correct as this is the first time I have heard of a different meaning for this name?

  3. on Sunday 1st of May 2016 04:03:00 AM

    i am so happy my name is faryal such a beautiful meaning

  4. on Monday 26th of April 2021 04:54:28 AM

    Salam I agree with comment number 2 it says angel is the meaning of Faryal everywhere of the internet. Please confirm as I will only follow this page regarding baby names and meanings.

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