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What is the meaning of name 'Rahmeen'. It is present in Holy Quraan but its pronunciation there is 'rah-e-meen'. Is it a girls' name?


This is an official answer by Staff

Rahemeen in the Quran means "merciful ones", "people who are merciful." It is used as a name for both boys and girls in Desi culture. It is pronounced as (RA)n + (HE)lmet + (MEAN)ing.

Rahmeen is a Farsi and Kurdish word that means "merciful", "compassionate", it comes from the Quranic word Rahm (mercy and compassion) + Farsi een, which is an extension added to words to make the meaning stronger, i.e. it makes it mean "very merciful". Rahm comes from the same root as Rahemeen mentioned earlier above. You can use it for a girl or a boy. It is pronounced as (RU)n + (H)umble + (MEAN)ing.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 13th of September 2018 02:04:20 PM

    There are two meanings of name Rahemeen. It depends on how it is written in Urdu. One is the upper one and the other meaning is showin te straight path.

  2. on Sunday 7th of June 2020 02:58:47 AM

    Neehmar Reem Rami spelled backwards is funny words

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