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We like the boy name Bahram and we’d like to know its meaning and origin and if it is an acceptable name for a Muslim baby boy. Thanks!

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 22nd of June 2014 02:28:15 AM

    Bahram or Bahraam is a Persian name for boys that means “Mars” (the planet). It also refers to the 20th day of any solar calendar month. It is also the Persian name for the “guardian angel of travelers” (from Persian or Zoroastrian mythology, not from Islamic sources). It is also the name of many ancient Persian kings.

    Bahram is an acceptable name for Muslim boys since it doesn’t have a bad meaning. It is pronounced [(BU)t + (H)ot] + [p(R)ay + m(A)n + (M)ars]

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