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Can you please advise the meanings of ava/awa and malisa. Are these arabic names and do they have good meanings? Also which is the correct spellings please? Thank you


This is an official answer by Staff
Awaa is a word used in the Quran and it means to provide refuge, to take care of someone,, to heal, or to embrace. It has a good meaning so it can be used as a name. Awa and Ava are also words in Farsi and also in other cultures with various meanings, these are not Islamic names, though for any name if the meaning is good then it can be used. Awaa (the Quranic word) can also be spelled as Awa and Ava however. What's important is the intention behind the name, if by it you mean the Quranic word then the name is an Islamic name.
Malisa in Arabic means for something to be soft, tender, and delicate. The word is not mentioned in the Quran, but since the meaning is good it can be used as a name by Muslims.

Malisa can also be spelled as Malesa.
Follow up question: We want to keep the quranic word and have spelling as awa is this ok and do you know the meaning of awa/ava in Farsi please? Is it a good meaning?
Answer: You can keep the Awa spelling and it would still be the Quranic name. Awa/Ava in Farsi means "pleasant sound", which is a good meaning and can be used as a name for Muslims. Therefore whether you mean the Quranic word or the Farsi word, it is still an acceptable name.
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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 7th of July 2014 10:17:39 AM

    Assalamualaikum. Can you please tell me how to pronounce Awa that means “to provide refuge”?. In other Muslim name sites, the meaning is “beautiful angel, night”, what is the difference between the 2 names, is it the pronunciation?

  2. on Wednesday 17th of December 2014 06:58:31 PM

    @1: The pronunciation is [(A)fter] + [(WA)nt], with emphasis on the first syllable. We have no information about the meaning of “beautiful angel” in regards to this name.

  3. on Friday 23rd of January 2015 04:34:32 PM

    Please spell in arabic as I’m confused as how it would be spelt.

  4. on Sunday 25th of February 2018 03:25:29 PM

    Can it be spelt to be pronounced as (A)pple Va. not V(ey), v(ah)

  5. on Thursday 8th of September 2022 12:45:43 PM

    I would like to know is eva muslim name because first woman was hawa as i know. Thanks

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