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im having a hard time picking out a name. My first daughter's name is Tasneem, so my husband and I are looking for a name with the same theme. A name that is something from heaven and perferably mentioned in the quran.
I like the meaning of kawthar but I dont like the way it sounds. I am looking for the name of a fruit, a river, a tree, a flower or something of this sort in heaven.


This is an official answer by Staff

Here are some Paradise-related names from the Quran for girls:

Firdaus (the highest and best place in Paradise)

Marjaan and Yaqoot (precious coral and ruby, respectively, the Quran uses these two words to describe the looks of the Houris of Paradise)

Sidrah (a tree in Paradise)

Salsabeel (fountain in Paradise)

Sondos (fine silk worn in Paradise)

Illiyeen/Eliyeen (the record of deeds given to the best believers)

Zanjabil and Kafoor mean ginger and camphor respectively, and they are the equivalents of Tasneem. All three are flavors of drinks in Paradise. Zanjabil is not used by Arabs as a name but it is used by non-Arab Muslims after adding the feminine "ah" to the end: Zanjabilah. Kafoor is rarely used due to its similarly to the word Kafir (disbeliever).

Istabraq (gold decoration on clothing used in Paradise)

Lulu and Luluah (pearl, mentioned often in the Quran when speaking of Paradise)

Harir and Harirah (silk, a word mentioned in many Paradise-related verses)

Daniah (close, the Quran uses it when speaking of the fruits of Paradise, saying that the fruit from the trees are close and within reach always)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 11th of September 2015 12:11:48 PM

    I have read the word asra mean river in paradise is it true

  2. on Thursday 21st of July 2016 01:01:29 PM

    Hi, my name is Thusleem. What does it mean?
    I have never seen or heard of anyone having the same name spelling as mines.

  3. on Tuesday 16th of May 2017 04:19:07 AM

    how many times is the word tasneem mentioned in the Quran

  4. on Thursday 31st of August 2017 07:25:24 AM

    zunairah – a flower found in jannah. its a girls name

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer | Jannah (Paradise) Related Baby Names
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