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Name ''Harram'' is related to Masjid e Harram , i just want to ask if this name is good


This is an official answer by Staff

Two words can be written as Haram.

The word Haram refers to something that's forbidden (Haraam). I haven't seen that used as a name and it doesn't sound good to me since it means forbidden. Masjid e Haram also means The Forbidden Mosque.

However there is also the word Haram that's pronounced as HU(mble)+RU(n)+M(other). This one means "sacred place", "forbidden place" (not just forbidden, but forbidden place), and the area inside Masjid al-Haraam is called The Haram (notice Haraam and Haram are two different words).

The first one (Haraam) should not be used as a name because it has a negative meaning, especially in Arab cultures. The second one is usually used as another word for "wife" in Arabic. When a newspaper says "The haram of the Egyptian president" it is a respectful way of saying the president's wife, since his wife is "sacred and forbidden" to everyone except him.

I looked on the internet and found that there is a female singer whose name is Haram an-Noor (both words create one name), and it means Sanctuary of Light, here the name doesn't sound bad. But by itself it could confuse people.

However if it is a common name in your culture then it is up to you.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 12th of July 2016 08:22:43 PM

    My name is haram, and I don’t see how I should feel bad because its meaning is forbidden.

  2. on Saturday 1st of October 2016 05:46:53 AM

    Harram Name of mean plz tell me??
    And ye spell bi Bata dein ky harram hota ha ya haram hota ha.

  3. on Monday 3rd of July 2017 02:17:04 PM

    mera naam bhi harram hai or mai is kai spelling harram likhti hoon its mean noble woman got it

  4. on Wednesday 5th of September 2018 04:42:43 PM

    My name is hayya
    And my sister is calle harram
    Is her nam bad

  5. on Tuesday 28th of September 2021 05:19:11 PM

    Plzzz tell the right meaning of harram noble women k ilawa

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