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My Son name is "Ruhaan Ahmed", I need to confirm the meaning of Ruhaan ......... I found it mean as "Spiritual" and "A river in paradise" Please confirm the correct spelling also Rohaan or Ruhaan Thanks.


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Please see this page: Ruhan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 22nd of January 2016 05:25:37 AM

    What is the meaning of the name ROHA…I found the meaning as both beautiful and soul..please tell me the correct meaning of that name..

  2. on Monday 12th of December 2016 05:49:11 AM

    Please confirm me the name of Zimyaan. My man of 29 years have still not figured out the meaning of his name. Kindly help. Much appreciated.

  3. on Saturday 31st of December 2016 02:19:28 PM

    Its RUHAAN means kind hearted or spiritual. .its muslim boy name

  4. on Monday 3rd of April 2017 03:10:07 PM

    as salam aliykum pleas answer my sun name rohaan mining tellme quran

  5. on Friday 12th of May 2017 08:39:26 PM

    Ruhan (spelled روحان in Arabic) is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “spiritual” (i.e. related to the spirit), “kindhearted”, “compassionate”. It is derived from the R-W-H6 (spirit, happiness) root which is used in many places in the Quran.

    [God gave another example in the story of] Mary, ‘Imran’s daughter, who preserved her chastity and We breathed Our spirit into her; she testified to the words of her Lord and His Scriptures, and was truly devout. (Quran 66:12)

    Now if one happens to be of those who are drawn close unto God, then happiness and delight and Gardens of Bliss are his. (Quran 56:88-89)

    Ruhan (spelled as روهان in Persian) is a Persian name that means “one who has a life of doing good deeds.” This meaning is not from Islamic sources, but since it is good, it can be used as well.

  6. on Wednesday 2nd of May 2018 06:10:40 AM

    What is the meaning of the name ROHA…I found the meaning as both beautiful and soul..please tell me the correct meaning of that name..

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