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What names of Allah cannot be used as baby names without Abdul?


This is an official answer by Staff

The names of Allah that cannot be used for humans are as follows. They are acceptable if you put Abdul ("servant of") in front of them, but without Abdul they shouldn't be used.

  •  ar-Rahman: "The Most Gracious", this name is considered a synonym of Allah, not just an attribute, for this reason humans shouldn't use it.
  • al-Quddus: "The Holy", shouldn't be used because humans cannot claim holiness.
  • al-Khaaliq and al-Khallaaq: "the Creator".
  • al-Mutakkabir: "The Self-Glorifier", when used for a human it means "arrogant", which is not a good meaning.
  • al-Awwal: "The First", synonym of the Christian "Alpha", shouldn't be used because it refers specifically to God.
  • al-Aakhir: "The Last", synonym of the Christian "Omega", shouldn't be used because it refers to God only.
  • al-Baatin: "The Hidden One", shouldn't be used because it refers to God and cannot refer to a human.
  • al-Hakam: "The Judge"
  • al-Ahad: "The One"
  • as-Samad: "The Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of All Being"
  • ar-Razaaqi: "The Giver of Provision"
  • al-Jabbaar: "The Subduer"
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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 29th of February 2016 02:54:42 PM

    This is an incomplete answer. Please see that Not Any Name of Allah (99) can be used as Baby Names. But please see that Allah’s name is AL-Rehman. But REHMAN is not Allah’s name. We all Listen, so we all are SAMI. But Allah is AL-Sami. AL-ALI is also name of Allah. Please see that Hazrat Ali’s name is ALI. So as per this rule, Rehman and Razzaq is valid name for Babies.

  2. on Monday 4th of July 2016 04:59:45 AM

    true …The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.and one more thing are shia or sunni ?

  3. on Wednesday 26th of April 2017 08:32:21 AM

    This list provided above in incomplete.. as name ‘Qadir’ meaning means ‘the powerful’ should also be used with ‘Abdul’

  4. on Thursday 7th of June 2018 12:40:52 AM

    can you please let me know if you can keep wahaab without abdul as i love this name and would like to name my son as wahaab ur rehman is this acceptable? thank you

  5. on Saturday 30th of January 2021 11:10:05 PM

    My beloved brother/sister, can someone please answer my question?
    is the name “Hasib” ok to name, or should we say abdul hasib?

  6. on Wednesday 24th of March 2021 07:36:31 AM

    My name is Abdul Quddus and now people call me as Quddus only , Is any problem in Islam?

  7. on Friday 21st of May 2021 02:16:04 PM

    It is not good to give human names with the names of Allah and the names of the Prophets. Because the names of the Prophets were specifically given by Allah to the Prophets, moreover the names of Allah are only specifically for Allah alone. For example, the name Rahman with “al” or not (Abdul Rahman) is still “Rahman” which means “Most Merciful”. The use of “al” means “sure” Ar Rahman means “surely most gracious”. If it is named “Abdul Rahman, it means” One who is definitely the Most Loving. “There is no one who is” Most Merciful “only Allah can be like that.
    Likewise the name Muhammad, it is the name given by Allah to the Prophet. The name Muhammad means “Praiseworthy” who is the person who is praiseworthy in the eyes of Allah besides the Prophet Muhammad ??
    If you want to give a name with the meaning of “compassionate” in Arabic there are many like It is not good to give human names with the names of Allah and the names of the Prophets. Because the names of the Prophets were specifically given by Allah to the Prophets, moreover the names of Allah are only specifically for Allah alone. For example, the name Rahman with “al” or not (Abdul Rahman) is still “Rahman” which means “Most Merciful”. The use of “al” means “sure” Ar Rahman means “surely most gracious”. If it is named “Abdul Rahman, it means” One who is definitely the Most Loving. “There is no one who is” Most Merciful “only Allah can be like that.
    Likewise the name Muhammad, it is the name given by Allah to the Prophet. The name Muhammad means “Praiseworthy” who is the person who is praiseworthy in the eyes of Allah besides the Prophet Muhammad ??
    If you want to give a name with the meaning of “compassionate” in Arabic there are many like عطوف, محب, ناعم
    Only Allah Knows

  8. on Friday 21st of May 2021 02:19:41 PM

    It is not good to give human names with the names of Allah and the names of the Prophets. Because the names of the Prophets were specifically given by Allah to the Prophets, moreover the names of Allah are only specifically for Allah alone. For example, the name Rahman with “al” or not (Abdul Rahman) is still “Rahman” which means “Most Merciful”. The use of “al” means “sure” Ar Rahman means “surely most Merciful”. If it is named “Abdul Rahman, it means” One who is definitely the Most Merciful. “There is no one who is” Most Merciful “only Allah can be like that.
    Likewise the name Muhammad, it is the name given by Allah to the Prophet. The name Muhammad means “Praiseworthy” who is the person who is praiseworthy in the eyes of Allah besides the Prophet Muhammad ??
    If you want to give a name with the meaning of “compassionate” in Arabic there are many

  9. on Monday 31st of May 2021 05:39:37 AM

    please can your call someone qadr without the abd

  10. on Monday 7th of June 2021 08:32:40 AM

    Please stop giving fatwas on comment section if you’re not a mufti

  11. on Friday 11th of June 2021 08:48:56 AM

    Can someone of high islamic knowledge tell me if it is okay to put my son’s first name as Musawwir or should abdul be put before it..I am really confused and do not want to make a grave mistake

  12. on Sunday 12th of September 2021 01:07:46 AM

    “Can someone of high islamic knowledge tell me…” No, don’t ask here on the internet. Go to a reputable scholar to answer your questions regarding this issue. Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this website!!

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
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