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Some saying haseem name should to be used as abdul haseeb since it is allahs name (meaning: accounter) . Some saying haseem having different meaning (meaning: noble) also so we can keep as mohamed haseem. Kindly suggest whether we can keep as mohamed haseem?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 29th of October 2017 07:55:19 AM

    Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatallah dear admin,

    I would like to name one of my twin sons ‘Hasib Ahmed’ In Shaa Allah. How the name ‘Hasib’ should be? Is using ‘Abdul’ a must with it? ‘Abdul Hasib’, or also can be ‘Hasib’ alone? Is it ok if I name my child ‘Hasib Ahmed’?

    Jazak Allahu Khairan.


    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    Haseeb is an acceptable name for a child without Abdul, even though it is a name of Allah (similar to Ali, which is also a name of Allah). When used for a child, the meaning is “noble”, “high-born”, “coming from a respected family”

  2. on Saturday 30th of January 2021 11:22:28 PM

    did you get the answer for your question? because i have a similar question.

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