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What does Sulaiman mean?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 23rd of July 2014 10:25:21 PM

    Please see this page which will answer your question: //

  2. on Sunday 16th of July 2017 04:52:21 AM

    As far as I understand from the Arabic language, “Sulaimaan” is a “little (young or smaller) Salmaan”; analogous to to “Husain” which is a “little (young or smaller) Hasan”. Similarly, “Umair” and “Umair” are related where the latter is a little (young or small) one of the former. “Zahar” and “Zuhair”; “Jund” and “Junaid”, “Zahab” and “Zuhaib” are all other examples of ‘big and small’ versions of the pertinent names.
    (From the web [Wikipedia]): “Male. Origin. Meaning. “Blessing or peace” … Salman (also transliterated as Salmaan or Selman, Arabic: سلمان‎‎) is a male Arabic given name that comes from the root of S-L-M.”

    … so therefore, “Sulaiman” would probably mean a “little (young or small blessing [or peace]).

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