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What is meaning of Shahraan?

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  1. on Tuesday 23rd of October 2018 02:30:21 PM

    Shahran is one of the largest tribes in the ‘Asir region of Saudi Arabia. Shahrani lands are bordered by Subay’ and Al-Shalaowah (الشلاوة وسبيع) from the north, ‘Abida and Rofaidah from the east (عبيدة ورفيدة), Al Njou’ from the South (النجوع), and Banou Sha’ba, Mogaidah, Banou Melk, Bal’smar, Banou Sheher, Balgern and Shamran from the west. (بنو شعبة ومغيدة وبنو مالك وبلحمر وبلسمر وبنو شهر وبلقرن وشمران). The noticed density to the west of Shahrani lands is due to the presence of the large city of Abha (آبها) in that direction. Through history, tribal wars have been waged between the two neighbors, especially between Shahran and the other major tribe of the area, Qahtan (قحطان). Such wars are, of course, no longer waged after the formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Shahran’s largest and main city is Khamis Mushayt (The largest city in ‘Asir, and the 8th largest in Saudi Arabia with an estimated population of 630,000). Khamis Mushayt is noted for being the fourth largest trading center in Saudi Arabia, and is famous for its world-class military airbase.

    Sharan is a large tribe, thus comes its name (Shahran al-Ar’eda; شهران العريضة) which means “wide (or volumes) Shahran” in Arabic. The tribe of Shahran has an estimated 250,000 members, and is thus one of the largest in Arabia. The head of Sharan is assigned to the House of Mushayt, and has been such for hundreds of years now.

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