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I came to know from one of the sources engaged in giving quranic teachings that Zirwa Means AIR ? While i am planning to name my child based on your explaination which says it means "pinnacle , top ... ". Can you please make it clear to me. Ill be really thankful.


This is an official answer by Staff

Zirwa, which can also be written as Dhirwa, Dirwa, and Thirwa (and in Farsi Zerveh and Turkish Zirve) comes from the DHAL-R-A root which means to rise up, to rise up high in the air, to scatter.

The Quran uses this root in 51:1, a verse that can be interpreted as: "I call to witness the wind that scatters far and wide." This is probably what was mentioned as air to you.

Zirwa itself is not mentioned in the verse (which is why it is an indirect Quranic name). The verse says in Arabic: "Wa al-zariyaati zarwaa." Zariyaat means "scatterers", and Zarwan means "scattering." Zirwa is a different word than these with a different spelling in Arabic. While zariyaat and zarwaa refer to the wind, Zirwa comes from a different branch of the root that means pinnacle, top, the best and the meaning of air/wind doesn't apply to it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 23rd of December 2016 09:09:44 AM

    need to know actual name meaning of Muhammad Zarwan

  2. on Friday 25th of January 2019 04:39:31 PM

    My name is Zirwa and it’s a name of a tree in heaven.

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