eiliyah and iliya these are different names or they are same

Home Forums Question and Answer eiliyah and iliya these are different names or they are same

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuranicNames.com Staff 10 years ago.

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  • #120347 Reply

    waqas malik

    I want to know about difference between eiliyah and iliya, and my name is waqas which means warrior, so if I name her eiliyah waqas, is it good or not? or eiliyah sharmen or eiliyah shanzay. Which name combination is better, kindly sugest me.Please reply
    Jazak ALLAH

  • #120432 Reply

    Eiliyah and Iliya can be different spellings of the same name, in which case they would have the same meaning.

    Sharmen means “bashful”, “modest”. We have no information on Shanzay. As for which one is better, we recommend all names that have good meanings and we do not make judgments between names.

  • #121692 Reply


    I like the name Elia must this is not Muslim.
    Research on Internet shows correct Muslim spelling is Eiliyah which is a bit complex. Are we allowed to remove some of the vowel to make it easier?will it be acceptable and maintain same meaning?
    Thank you in advance

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