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This topic contains 37 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by gBqsPxAZ 1 year, 2 months ago.
I used this website to name my son and daughters
I also used it to give ideas to name familyI chose the names Aidan, Ava and Ayla as the website said these names where allowed
My father and mother in law met their grandchildren for the first time yesterday
They were unaware of their names and got very angry
Saying Aidan,Ava and Ayla are haram names and that we have to get them changed
Are they haram names becuas I don’t want my children to live in sin. I’m pregnant with baby #4 and was planning to name it Eliza/Aliza bit will not as father in law claims it is a haram nameDo I need to change my children’s name
FatimaSalam sister
I’m also having theses problems my daughters are called
AMELIA,SOPHIA,ISABELLA. And my son like yours is called Aidan.
As a child I always wanted an English name and was delighted when these names were allowed and was happy to giv my children these names.
But my father in law also hates these names and thinks they are haram
I know they aren’t but I don’t want my sons to be living in sinFatima
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MariyahSalam sisters
There is no haram name as long as it has a good meaning
All your names are fineI just have to comment tho my son is also Aidan and my daughters are Hannah and Ava!
I’m concerned on how English you sisters have named your children
These names are acceptable however it’ll be nicer and more respectful if you chose religious namesWasalam
I don’t believe there are haram names unless they have a bad meaning or a one of the 99 names of allah swt
My children are called
Aidan( there is some kind of thing going on coz everyone is calling their son Aidan) Jacob, Ava(coincidence again and ria -
SaimaSalam sisters and brothers
I get this issue so much
Alhamdullila I am the proud mama of three sets of twins
My eldest girls Layla and hana, then my daughter Isla and son Noah, and sons sammi and Daniel
I have been criticised but learn not to do anything
I wish my mum gave me a normal name like this
I love Isabella, Ava and Sophia and Amelia
OMG I’m havin this problem too
My father in law met my little princess who I named Aariyah and he totally flipped refusing to talk to his son and me, he totally offended me saying my daughter will live in sin AND he broke my little 3 year olds heart because her grandad refused to have anything to do with her. It’s bang out of order! -
NiaSalam I am having the same problem as well! What is up with the world being so damn criticall. Family should be there to accept you not to deny you!
My two are Calle Leena and Iyla.
Why don’t they get this not all Muslim names have to be a khadeja or zainab ? -
LianaAllah has stated in the Quran that there is no haram name as such
However if the name has a bad meaning ie. Meaning dog. Or I’d it includes one of allahs 99 names. Then it is not acceptable.
Allah has given preferable names but as long the name has a good name is acceptable.My two are called Jumana and Maariyah and my hubbys side did not take the names too well. And Nia I totally agree about not all Muslims names have to be full on Islamic names.
Best of all is to ignore negativity in the world
RuqayaBeing a child when no one in school or any of my friends could pronounce my name, I decided to chose a non Islamic name for my child. Which my local iman approved on. I chose Saarah which does have its meaning in Arabic but is easy to pronounce and not heavy on h or k.
All through out my daughters 3 years on the planet the name choice has been criticised and eyes have been rolled when they call her, hurtful.
When I had my son I Just named him Yahya to save all criticism. -
ThaniaI have an amara and a sumah and my family have never lived down to their names and call them Amirah and Sumaiyah
Omg this is so true my little man ayman turned three last weeek so we surprised mil and fil to morroco to visit them because they haven’t seen Ayman at all. They flipped, ruined my holiday. Am deciding to call princess in my tummy sumaiya or Fatima or something like that. -
I think we all are suffering from the same problem here!
Allah has stated in the Quran that all names are acceptable as long as 1. They are not any of the 99 names of his glorious names, 2. They must not have any bad meanings.I have 2 daughters, Alayna and Lamaisah and a son called Daniyal.
My family have decided to call Alayna- Zainab. Lamaisah- Ruqaya and Daniyal Muhammad.I understand the whole thing behind Islamic names but they can’t just rename my kids names
SaniaHonestly this is the reason why my kids are called Yahya and Eesa!
I used this website to name my son, I found the prophet name “Nuh” but used Noah instead. And now his name is always constantly getting criticised by family!
Muh liaHonestly the world is becoming so critical it makes my blood boil! My little bug is called Kaleb and the critism I get is disgusting, like how people judge me for not wearing the hijab, the fact is my choices are between me and god and if people have issues they are supposed to quietly tell me not confront the world!
My family get the hate from the elders too, my neicnes are Hana, Amaya (Maya), Hareem and Aila and nephew is Mika and the hate is disgusting, the only ones who don’t is Yusuf and ibrahim but we still love you yusee and Ibby ❤️❤️❤️
I’m legit thinking of naming the sunshine beans in my belly Muhammad and abdullah to save that hate even though I long for a Kayden 🤞Goodbye
ShahistaOmg omg you guys reassurance is all I needed alhumdulliah 🧡
My best friend , my little girl Siyana also SiSi means protection but as it’s not as common and Islamic as Khadijah and Muhammad ( my nieces and nephews) the name isn’t acceptable.
I named my 2nd child, my 1st born Kayden which I read meant companion . I put Muhammad at the front as his first name out of respect but apparently that just is disrespectful and kayden ought to be changed. Alhumdulliah over time they embraced kayden and his name and SiSi’s too but I called my latest bubba Kairo and I suppose that was the last straw My MIL and FIL insisted to dear hubby I change it and as I like k names “ kasim” would be a good name. My son is Kasim now .
This is all very frustrating as they are my children and I’m raising them to be Muslims and yet everyone is interfering and invalidating my choices. I am always seen as too western and I’m always criticised for my clothes, the way I do the hijab. It’s assuring to read all these comments.Jzk for listening to me 🙂 hope everyone is safe from horrible corona insHallah!
SandraI reverted to Islam a few year back when I met my partner who is now my husband. I had a daughter from a previous relationship. Both me and my daughter did not change our names. I have 2 sons with hubby who I wanted to call Noah and Elijah ofc that was a big no no and my son is called Nuh and Ilyas I love my children of course but like to have my opinions totally dismissed is very hurtful
Daliyaargh this is literally my thoughts tipped into a forum ! So my little man is called Daniyal and my younger little man is called Aydin. Both have acceptable meanings and are approved names by my local imam. Husbands always been ok with the kids names and called them Dani and Dino for nicknames but has never shared any negativity on the names and I wouldn’t expect any negative remarks from them as he chose Daniyal and I convinced him over Aydin ( he wanted Raiyan). He is the oldest child so now my children are 5,3 and his brothers and sisters have both just given birth to their children. My SIL named her daughter khadijah which is a beautiful name and BIL named his son Yusuf . The names are perfect ofc, but my MIL has been gifting them with like personalised Arabic things and gifts but excluding my children. And her defence is that they are not Islamic names therefor she can’t find any of their names. Fair enough but she keeps continuing saying this and has been badgering my husband on changing my kids names which I am not ok with. I’m due in December and I recently lost my father there for will name him after my dad and call him Muhammad but all I’m getting is hate that how “Aydin and Daniyal” sound ridiculous next to Muhammad. I did consider this and plan for him to have middle name “ Zidane” but again it’s not ok. I’m pulling my hair out right now totally at lost to what to do
KhanSeems like a support group here where all the LOOSERS are coming on this web-page out of shame and guilt of doing their WRONG-DOINGS and vent out against their respectable and islamic and traditional elders! Shame on ALL of you! Don’t be a MORON …. consult you ELDERS before naming your stupid KIDS !!!
Arghhh I have this problem too so much !! My nieces and nephews either have Asian “made up” names or traditional Islamic names ( think khadija, yusuf etc). I always knew I wanted something different to name my kids as I was the one carrying them for 9 months and giving birth etc. I never wanted anything too extreme but I found a large group of names that I never knew were acceptable and I instantly fell in love with their names. My girls are called Syiana and Kyiara and I adore their names, but family refuse to call them that. My girls also have dead family members as their middle names out of respect so I have Syiana Imani ( my aunt was called Iman) and Kyiara Hanaan ( my mothers best friend who was like an Aunt to me) they both get called Imani and Hanaan which I don’t mind too much as there still names I chose but it’s the fact that people don’t respect the names I’ve chosen and it’s just toxic at how they dismiss my own options and choices and boundaries so when my son Mikail Nur was born I requested his name stayed Mikail as there was no issue with it being a angel name etc , what does my mother in law do ? Buys a personalised blanket saying Muhammad. Gorgeous name but not my little man’s name.
Arghh sorry for the rantttt -
RomaanaSo I always felt different how I do things. Yes I’m a Muslim and brown woman but I want to be different and feel that heavily Influenced in the lifestyle I live and the people who I meet and I deffo wanted my child’s name to be part of that. I was an aunt before I was a mother and I got to see my sister who shared similar life’s style choices name her kids ( sisi, kayden kairo ) names I loved but as they grew I saw the disgust people had about their names. And whilst I’m not one to change the way I am to please people I just couldn’t do that to myself or my child in the future as it would be too much of a persistent thing for something I care about too much . Alhumdulliah when I was blessed with a beautiful little boy we spent a long time choosing the perfect name. My heart initially was stolen at names like my sister but I was reminded of how cruel people can be and my husband was dead against naming my son Kaleb. So I suggested Noah, but he wanted Nuh instead ( fair enough but not really my name to chose) then he suggested Aadam which I loved and we settled on that. Little man is now 8 months
BeenishI’m a survivor of suicide and becoming a mother was the most beautiful thing ever it really helped me see the light and that’s how I chose my children names Zorayz and Ela’Noor both hints to the beauty of the meaning light
FathimaSalam sisters & brother
I’m also in the same problem, I choosed the name to my baby as “Riya” from one of the website (not in this website), now she is 4 years old, today when I’m scrolling my mobile, I come across a article that was said my baby name is very very bad meaning in arabic, bt when I searched more about this I looked up in urdu, it was a muslim girl with good meaning
I’m very confused, I couldn’t accept that my baby name was in bad meaning, now what I want to do???
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