Quranic or Good Word for 'The End' or 'Keep/Continously'

Home Forums Question and Answer Quranic or Good Word for 'The End' or 'Keep/Continously'

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Khafid 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #120741 Reply


    Assalamu’alaikum. .
    brother, I’m trying to find a girl full name that gives the meaning/message of..
    ‘The Girl Who Prays/Calling Prayers Until The End’ or ‘The Girl Who Continuous To Pray/Call Prayers Until The End’.

    I decided to use Mysha/Miesha, which means ‘Life’ to represent the Girl. since it’s a good and cute girl name as well.
    and followed with Ar-Salla or As-Salla for the ‘Prayer’

    But I dont know the rest of the name I should use to complete the name’s message/meaning.

    Could you please help me?

    (I have another choice to swap the ‘Pray’ with ‘Recite’ (Qur’an) as well , please give your opinion about that too)

    thank you. .

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